[python-advocacy] Proposal for Monthly podcast series

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Wed Jun 20 20:31:51 CEST 2007

In a message of Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:34:12 EDT, "A.M. Kuchling" writes:
>One thought, to be taken with a grain of salt: at Penguin Day, a
>number of people said they didn't listen to podcasts because it was so
>time-consuming and preferred podcast + slide show presentations
>because it's possible to ignore the audio and just look at the slides.
>Preparing slides is extra effort, of course, so it might be best to
>figure out how to make audio-only podcasts first, and once you have
>the mechanics of that, then consider complicating things by adding
>still images or video.

Around here people want a transcript of the podcast before they want
the slide show (though they want that too).


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