[python-advocacy] Best place for Python code hosting

Grig Gheorghiu grig at gheorghiu.net
Wed Jun 6 17:55:42 CEST 2007

--- Stephan Deibel <sdeibel at wingware.com> wrote:

> Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
> > I am looking to host some code in association with The Python
> Papers. I 
> > had been intending to use Google Code (indeed, I have already
> started 
> > down this path). However, it occurs to me to wonder if this is the
> best 
> > place for it. Is there a Python-recommended project hosting site?
> There's no standard for Python other than attempting to flee
> Source Forge of course! ;-)
> Maybe this is useful, if a bit old:
> http://www.ibiblio.org/fosphost/exhost.htm
> BerliOS is the other one I've seen used a fair amount.
> I'd personally avoid one that doesn't have subversion, though
> (and I expect the above link from 2004 may not be up to date
> in that respect).

I'd go for google code. Some of the Python projects I know used to be
hosted at python-hosting.com, but many of them have migrated to google
code for better reliability.


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