[python-advocacy] Ubuntu and Python

Brad Allen brad at allendev.com
Tue Jun 5 07:07:28 CEST 2007

At 11:49 PM -0500 6/3/07, Carl Karsten wrote:
>I just saw this:
>"Ubuntu prefers the community to contribute work in Python. We develop our own
>tools and scripts in Python and it's much easier for us to integrate your work
>if you use the same platform."
>I have been working with Ubuntu for over two years, and didn't realize Python
>was "it."

I think Canonical joined PSF as a sponsor member this year, as well. They are
the commercial sponsor of the Ubuntu project.

Their bugtracker, LaunchPad, is written in Python using the Zope 3 framework.

In an Lxer podcast interview last year, I recall that Mark 
Shuttleworth (who founded
Canonical and funded Ubuntu) said good things about Python and why it is so
actively used and supported within Ubuntu. He also mentioned that he himself
did a fair amount of development working using Python prior to founding.


Unfortunately the audio archives were missing when I tried to download them.

One might think that Shuttleworth would be a great keynote speaker for PyCon,
except I've heard that he dislikes giving speeches.

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