[python-advocacy] easy as py

Nicola Larosa nico at tekNico.net
Fri Jul 20 20:08:09 CEST 2007

Mike Pittaro wrote:
> Along these lines, I dealt with a similar problem in the past, converting
> people to different 'dialects' of SQL.
> The method that seemed to be most successful was a side by side 'cheat
> sheet' mapping of commands in the different dialects.
> If we collected a set of snippets, demonstrating simple and common
> operations in a few languages along side of  Python snippets, it might
> help people that already know another language.

Here are two collections of snippets in Python and Java:

A subjective analysis of two high-level, object-oriented languages -
Comparing Python to Java

Python & Java - A Side-by-Side Comparison

And a syntax comparison between languages:


Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/

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are manufactured belief systems to keep their advocates in mental and
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