[python-advocacy] New list member

Andre Roberge andre.roberge at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 23:12:54 CEST 2007

Hi everyone,

I thought it was time I joined this list.  I've picked up programming
in Python as a hobby a little less than 3 years ago, and it's been
lots of fun. And I try, in my limited way, to share the pleasure with

In this post: http://python-advocacy.blogspot.com/2007/03/pythonic-way-to-measure-and-improve.html
Jeff Rush mentioned the possibility of having a way to "certify"
Python programmers.  One tool he suggested is Crunchy, which has been
my main programming interest for the past 1.5 year or so.

The next release (0.9.1) will contain the first version of a "session
logging" feature, where the stdin (user code) and stdout/stderr can be
recorded and evaluated by a third party.  (However, this feature is
not going to be very well documented.)

If anyone is interested in such a feature (to be used as Jeff
described in his post, or in any other way to promote Python), I would
like to hear from you.  At this moment, the session logging works ...
but I have no use myself for it and don't know what I should do to
improve on it and make it more useful for those that need it.

André (Roberge)

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