[python-advocacy] _The Python Papers_ Online Magazine

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Tue Jan 16 16:03:51 CET 2007

On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 10:56:18AM +1100, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
> Another alternative would be to generate a static site with vim and good old
> hard yakka, but I don't know if that will cut the mustard. Any and all
> advice on this matter gratefully accepted.

A reader can't really tell the difference, and there are static-file
generating tools such as rest2web if you don't want to write HTML
manually.  I don't think writing a web-based content management
application is a good use of your effort unless it adds significant
value for the editor or for the reader?  And learning the tools and
fixing problems can burn a whole lot of your time...

(The Jython Monthly just assembles issues within a wiki, and then
someone posts an announcement once an issue is complete:

I'd modify Jeff's suggestion about peer-review; instead of discarding
peer-review completely, clarify it, explaining that there are reviewed
articles and more casual articles.

I don't think dropping the bibliographies buys much; presumably the
author already assembled their bibliography.

>From PyCon I've learned that it does pay to be gently pushy: if
someone makes a vague offer to do something, poke them about it in a
few days/weeks/months.  A little push is often the trigger that people
need to actually start or finish off something.


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