[python-advocacy] Python 3000 question for PR

Daniel Schneider Daniel at pageonepr.com
Wed Dec 5 19:39:06 CET 2007


I am doing the PR for PyCon 2008 and wanted to get a little bit of  
background information on Python 3000.  If you work with or are  
familiar with Python, please consider the following question: what  
are the advantages of Python 3000 over 2.x?

I am trying to highlight a few key points.  I can't see how breaking  
backward compatibility would qualify as one but maybe the change to  
strings and bytes would?

I am interested in what the Python community has to say about this  
and think it will help me better understand it as well.  So please  
let me know what you think are the top 3 benefits of 3.0 over 2.x and  

Thanks for your help in advance!


Daniel Schneider
Page One PR
office: 415.321.2346
mobile: 818.903.0225
daniel at pageonepr.com

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