[python-advocacy] Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tennessee at tennessee.id.au
Wed Apr 25 08:40:09 CEST 2007

Firstly, let me put up my hand and say that I would be happy to write
Python articles for cash.

Now, on to business.

I am already doing something similar with /The Python Papers/. As part
of putting together each edition (especially the upcoming, bumper
edition due out soon), I seek out authors, solicit contributions,
review available literature and generally promote good content. I
don't think it's too much to suggest that anyone seeking to assist in
creating a good image for Python could very usefully contribute to
this effort.

In the last edition we offered a prize for the best article, and also
undertook some review of published papers and articles, reprinting
'best of' papers from the recent OSDC conference. We are also seeking
recommendations from other conference organisers so that we can, on an
ongoing basis, select and republish 'the best' and present them in one
globally accessible place.

The Python Papers has a growing profile, but it is still very early
days. We need help at the editorial level very much, and also in
building a new website.

Additionally, I can see the value in getting more column inches in
journals and magazines with already large readerships. As editor, I
already have a relationship with many authors of Python material. If I
knew of opportunities for publishing in other journals, I would be
more than happy to try to organise a contribution.

I have been waiting until after the publication of our next edition to
propose anything of the kind, but in light of this discussion perhaps
I should bring it up now -- perhaps there is the possibility of The
Python Papers becoming more officially related to python.org. This
might give the PSF a tool by which they can officially recognise
members of the Python community.

Unfortunately, we are limited at the moment by a lack of manpower.
Each edition is the result of a lot of effort on my part, and also by
contributors and other members of the editorial board. Being able to
have more committed individuals involved in its production would, I
feel, rapidly improve the reach and quality of the publication.

I'm not looking for a handout, as I'm happy with what I'm doing
already, but I thought I'd point out that The Python Papers could be
an instrument for achieving many of the goals outlined in this

All the best,

On 4/25/07, Facundo Batista <facundobatista at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2007/4/24, Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com>:
> > and I was more looking for a way to reward authors of excellence, as
> > judged by some subset of the Python community - this might have to be
> > the PSF membership given the impracticality of running a meaningful poll
> > with a larger set of voters.
> Why? Because of spammers and/or false voters?
> When I first read about this, I thought about a web page where anybody
> could "propose" articles for voting, and anybody could vote them.
> Monthly, an award goes for the top 1, and that article goes out from
> the poll.
> Why can't that be done?
> Other point: what happens with all the non-english articles? Other categories?
> > There are many other possibilities too. What about an award for "most
> > helpful responses on c.l.py" over some period? I think one of the
> How do you evaluate such thing? I think this is too complicated...
> Regards,
> --
> .    Facundo
> Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
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