[python-advocacy] The first of what should be millions of advocates have been armed.

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Thu Apr 12 04:03:14 CEST 2007

Chris McAvoy wrote:
> http://news.com.com/2300-1041_3-6175025-4.html?tag=ne.gall.pg
> Just think of all the little Pythonistas running around out there in
> the world.  It's going to be great.
> We talked briefly about this a the Advocacy BoF, but this kind of news
> is what (to me) should go on the python.org "news" page.  It's
> something that has the potential to grab someone when they go to
> python.org.  As it stands, news typically consists of new releases.
> If the only place that this sort of story gets tied back to Python is
> daily-python-url, we're in trouble, as that's the definition of
> preaching to the choir.  That picture, along with a blurb about "did
> you know that thing runs python?" would be a great news item.

It certainly would not be a bad thing to add Python in the News or
something to python.org.  It would require someone that takes on the
task of maintaining it, and some thought as to how best to build it
into the site without overwhelming the also important (if more boring ;-)
new release announcements and conference announcements.

Anyone can set up a local copy of python.org by checking out:


Then see build/new-build/README for info on other required packages
and how to build the site.

The new build script is, well, new (and still under development,
and not used by the live site build yet) but it's pretty good and
certainly makes working on the site a _lot_ easier so I encourage
people to play with it and think about how advocacy content (like
more news items) can be worked into the site.

- Stephan

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