[python-advocacy] Advocacy Materials License and Web Frameworks Whitepaper

sdeibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Thu Dec 14 00:59:33 CET 2006

On Wed, 13 Dec 2006, Jeff Rush wrote:
> Researching a bit, I see some good explanation of the various documentation 
> licenses at:
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html#TOC2FreeDocumentationLicenses
> I've changed the text on wiki.python.org to link to this page, and also 
> recommend the GNU Free Documentation License.  If anyone has strong opinions 
> on such licenses, please speak up.

What about encouraging the FreeBSD Documentation License?  The 
page above says it's non-copyleft but compatible w/ the GFDL. 
This seems to match the Python license philosophy, which is also 
non-copyleft but (after various painful contortions before my 
involvement w/ the PSF started) compatible w/ the GPL.

Just a thought... I don't know much about documentation licenses.

- Stephan

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