/* the humans responsible & colophon */ /* humanstxt.org */ /* TEAMS */ Revolution Systems Location: Lawrence, KS, USA Site: https://www.revsys.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/revsys Guiding Light and Founder: Frank Wiles Twitter: https://twitter.com/fwiles Django Guru: Jacob Kaplan-Moss Twitter: https://twitter.com/jacobian Back End Developers: Jeff Triplett, Flavio Curella - - - Project Evolution Location: Providence, RI, USA Site: http://www.projectevolution.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/pe1999 Facebook: https://facebook.com/pe1999 Guiding Light and Founder: Seth Burke Twitter: https://twitter.com/srbpe Technology Director: Peter Landry Twitter: https://twitter.com/ubercore Design Director: J. Hogue Twitter: https://twitter.com/artinruins Front End Development: Barry Menard, Jamie Re Back End Development: Ray Schamp, Ben Spaulding, Matt Mikula Client management: Jarrett McPhee Project Manager: Chelsea Flynn /* THANKS */ Jesse Noller, head of the project and client liason at the time. Van Lindberg, President of the PSF at the time. The Python Software Foundation board and content-migration volunteers. You, for reading this. /* PEOPLE WHO FOUND SECURITY BUGS IN THE WEBSITE */ Osama Mahmood (https://osamamahmood.blogspot.com) Rafael Pablos (https://silverneox.blogspot.com) Yadnyawalkya Tale (https://yadnyawalkya.blogspot.in) Jose Carlos Exposito Wai Yan Aung /* SITE */ Standards: HTML5, CSS3, W3C (as much as possible) Core: Python 3 and Django 1.7 Components: Modernizr, jQuery, Susy (susy.oddbird.net) Software: SASS and Compass, Coda, Sublime Text, Terminal, Adobe CS, Made on Macs Hardware Stack: Heroku, Ubuntu 14.04, Postgresql 10.x, Nginx, gunicorn Helpers: Haystack, Pipeline