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Python 3.6.5

Release Date: March 28, 2018

Note: The release you are looking at is Python 3.6.5, a bugfix release for the legacy 3.6 series which has now reached end-of-life and is no longer supported. See the downloads page for currently supported versions of Python. The final source-only security fix release for 3.6 was 3.6.15 and the final bugfix release was 3.6.8.

Among the new major new features in Python 3.6 were:

  • PEP 468, Preserving Keyword Argument Order
  • PEP 487, Simpler customization of class creation
  • PEP 495, Local Time Disambiguation
  • PEP 498, Literal String Formatting
  • PEP 506, Adding A Secrets Module To The Standard Library
  • PEP 509, Add a private version to dict
  • PEP 515, Underscores in Numeric Literals
  • PEP 519, Adding a file system path protocol
  • PEP 520, Preserving Class Attribute Definition Order
  • PEP 523, Adding a frame evaluation API to CPython
  • PEP 524, Make os.urandom() blocking on Linux (during system startup)
  • PEP 525, Asynchronous Generators (provisional)
  • PEP 526, Syntax for Variable Annotations (provisional)
  • PEP 528, Change Windows console encoding to UTF-8
  • PEP 529, Change Windows filesystem encoding to UTF-8
  • PEP 530, Asynchronous Comprehensions

Please see What’s New In Python 3.6 for more information.

More resources

Windows users

  • The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture. (Also known as the "x64" architecture, and formerly known as both "EM64T" and "x86-64".)
  • If installing Python 3.6 as a non-privileged user, you may need to escalate to administrator privileges to install an update to your C runtime libraries.
  • There are now "web-based" installers for Windows platforms; the installer will download the needed software components at installation time.
  • There are redistributable zip files containing the Windows builds, making it easy to redistribute Python as part of another software package. Please see the documentation regarding Embedded Distribution for more information.

macOS users

  • NEW as of 3.6.5: we are providing two binary installer options for download. The new variant works on macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) and later systems and comes with its own batteries-included version oF Tcl/Tk 8.6 for users of IDLE and other tkinter-based GUI applications. It is 64-bit only as Apple is deprecating 32-bit support in future macOS releases. For 3.6.5, the 10.9+ variant is offered as an additional more modern alternative to the traditional 10.6+ variant in earlier 3.6.x releases. The 10.6+ variant still requires installing a third-party version of Tcl/Tk 8.5. If you are using macOS 10.9 or later, consider using the new installer variant, unless you are building Python applications that also need to work on older macOS systems. Binary extension modules (including wheels) built for earlier versions of 3.6.x with the 10.6 variant should continue to work with either 3.6.5 variant without recompilation.
  • If you are using Python 3.6.5 from one of the binary installers linked to on this page, please carefully read the Important Information displayed during installation; this information is also available after installation by clicking on /Applications/Python 3.6/ReadMe.rtf. There is important information there about changes in the 3.6 installer-supplied Python, particularly with regard to SSL certificate validation.

Full Changelog


Version Operating System Description MD5 Sum File Size GPG
Gzipped source tarball Source release ab25d24b1f8cc4990ade979f6dc37883 21.9 MB SIG
XZ compressed source tarball Source release 9f49654a4d6f733ff3284ab9d227e9fd 16.3 MB SIG
macOS 64-bit installer macOS for OS X 10.9 and later 37d891988b6aeedd7f03a70171a8420d 25.7 MB SIG
macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer macOS for Mac OS X 10.6 and later bf319337bc68b52fc7d227dca5b6f2f6 26.8 MB SIG
Windows help file Windows be70202d483c0b7291a666ec66539784 7.7 MB SIG
Windows x86 embeddable zip file Windows b0b099a4fa479fb37880c15f2b2f4f34 6.1 MB SIG
Windows x86 executable installer Windows 2bb6ad2ecca6088171ef923bca483f02 29.3 MB SIG
Windows x86 web-based installer Windows 596667cb91a9fb20e6f4f153f3a213a5 1.2 MB SIG
Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file Windows for AMD64/EM64T/x64 04cc4f6f6a14ba74f6ae1a8b685ec471 6.9 MB SIG
Windows x86-64 executable installer Windows for AMD64/EM64T/x64 9e96c934f5d16399f860812b4ac7002b 30.3 MB SIG
Windows x86-64 web-based installer Windows for AMD64/EM64T/x64 640736a3894022d30f7babff77391d6b 1.3 MB SIG