[XML-SIG] SAX characters() output on multiple lines for non-ascii

woodcock woodcocs at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 3 00:04:21 CET 2008

I am starting with SAX and am trying to parse a file that contains non-ascii
characters.  The xml file uses 'ISO-8859-1'.  When it parses text containing
non-ascii characters the output is across multiple lines.

Trying to output 'Der Einfluss kleiner naturnaher Retentionsmaßnahmen in der
Fläche auf den Hochwasserabfluss - Kleinrückhaltebecken'

The output I get is 
Start ELEMENT ='title'
String read is 'Der Einfluss kleiner naturnaher Retentionsma'
String read is '▀'
String read is 'nahmen in der Fl'
String read is 'Σ'
String read is 'che auf den Hochwasserabfluss - Kleinr'
String read is 'ⁿ'
String read is 'ckhaltebecken -.'
End ELEMENT ='title'

whereas I want a single string something like... 
Start ELEMENT ='title'
String read is 'Der Einfluss kleiner naturnaher Retentionsma▀nahmen in der
FlΣche auf den Hochwasserabfluss - Kleinrⁿckhaltebecken -.
End ELEMENT ='title'

My code is:

  def characters(self, chars):

      if newchars[-1] == '\n':
        newchars = newchars[:-1]
      if len(newchars)> 0:
        output = 'String read is ' + "'" + ''.join(newchars) + "'\n"

Does anyone have any ideas?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/SAX-characters%28%29-output-on-multiple-lines-for-non-ascii-tp15248449p15248449.html
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