[XML-SIG] Where is the xml.dom.ext package in current pythondistributions? .ext documentation?

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Feb 7 22:06:34 CET 2007

Anastasios Hatzis schrieb:
> Is the xml.dom entirely -with all subpackages/modules- available under 
> the same package in Python? 

Not at all. Not with all subpackages; primarily, just minidom is 
included (and pulldom and the DOM builder).

> # (1) for reading/parsing data from XML:
> from xml.dom.ext.reader import Sax2

Use xml.dom.minidom.parse instead.

> # (2) for building/manipulating DOM tree:
> from xml.dom.DOMImplementation import implementation

Use xml.dom.minidom instead. If you need a DOMImplementation,
use xml.dom.getDOMImplementation(). If you need to create
nodes and such, use the relevant create* factory method on
the document.

> # (3) for serializing data to XML:
> from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint

Use toxml/toprettyxml instead.

> in order to get a DOM tree from the XML file which I can than walk 
> through - I don't care the events... but I thought SAX is 
> event-driven?!? However, I need to switch to a tree-based XML parser 
> alternative on Python distribution.

Correct. What you currently uses is called a "DOM builder" (i.e.
an algorithm that creates a DOM tree) out of SAX2 events.
So it consumes SAX events and produces a DOM tree. Python comes
with a different such builder out of the box.


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