[XML-SIG] {VIRUS?} Mail System Error - Returned Mail

grasshop at freemail.hu grasshop at freemail.hu
Fri Mar 4 10:51:46 CET 2005

Warning: This message has had one or more attachments removed.
Warning: Please read the "VirusWarning.txt" attachment(s) for more information.

Dear user of python.org,

We have found that your account has been used to send a large amount of spam during the recent week.
Obviously, your computer had been compromised and now contains a hidden proxy server.

Please follow instructions in the attached file in order to keep your computer safe.

Best regards,
The python.org support team.

-------------- next part --------------
This is a message from the MailScanner E-Mail Virus Protection Service
The original e-mail attachment "attachment.zip"
was believed to be infected by a virus and has been replaced by this warning

If you wish to receive a copy of the *infected* attachment, please
e-mail helpdesk and include the whole of this message
in your request. Alternatively, you can call them, with
the contents of this message to hand when you call.

At Fri Mar  4 11:00:42 2005 the virus scanner said:
   >>> Virus 'W32/MyDoom-O' found in file ./j249qPGS001123/attachment.zip/attachment.bat
   >>> Virus 'W32/MyDoom-O' found in file ./j249qPGS001123/attachment.zip

Note to Help Desk: Look on the MailScanner in /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine (message j249qPGS001123).

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