[XML-SIG] XBEL and hyperlink tagging

Danielle Urschel urschel at midsouth.rr.com
Fri Jun 17 20:02:45 CEST 2005

I'd like to get in touch with anyone from the XBEL group who has an interest
in hyperlink tagging. I am chronically frustrated with managing my bookmarks
and have tried hundreds, I'm sure, of solutions. Recently I tried
del.icio.us and subsequently started reading a lot of blog banter about
hyperlink tagging. After years of wishing for the right solution, I've
decided to see if I can actually contribute something to a solution.
I believe xml-based tags are the answer to managing link collections, and
XBEL is a fine format, so I'm wondering if it can be expanded to accommodate
a standard hyperlink tag. I'm including both a graphical and outline version
of a brainstorm document I started last night. It's very rough and just the
beginning of an idea. 
My goal is an open-source, standard hyperlink tag solution that is highly
accessible to software developers, amateur coders and web site owners whose
primary expertise is not programming. If no one in your group has any
interest in this, I would greatly appreciate any input or advice anyone
would share. I have no idea how things like standard tag formats are born. 
Danielle Urschel
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