[XML-SIG] Returned mail: Data format error

shopro5 at aol.com shopro5 at aol.com
Tue Jul 27 01:00:23 CEST 2004


This e-mail, in its original form, contained one or more attached files that were infected with a virus, worm, or other type of security threat. This e-mail was sent from a Road Runner IP address. As part of our continuing initiative to stop the spread of malicious viruses, Road Runner scans all outbound e-mail attachments. If a virus, worm, or other security threat is found, Road Runner cleans or deletes the infected attachments as necessary, but continues to send the original message content to the recipient. Further information on this initiative can be found at http://help.rr.com/faqs/e_mgsp.html.
Please be advised that Road Runner does not contact the original sender of the e-mail as part of the scanning process. Road Runner recommends that if the sender is known to you, you contact them directly and advise them of their issue. If you do not know the sender, we advise you to forward this message in its entirety (including full headers) to the Road Runner Abuse Department, at abuse at rr.com.

This message was not delivered due to the following reason(s):

Your message could not be delivered because the destination server was
unreachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time
a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura-
tion parameters.

Most likely there is a network problem that prevented delivery, but
it is also possible that the computer is turned off, or does not
have a mail system running right now.

Your message could not be delivered within 8 days:
Server is not responding.

The following recipients could not receive this message:
<xml-sig at python.org>

Please reply to postmaster at python.org
if you feel this message to be in error.

-------------- next part --------------
file attachment: letter.zip

This e-mail in its original form contained one or more attached files that were infected with the W32.Mydoom.M at mm virus or worm. They have been removed.
For more information on Road Runner's virus filtering initiative, visit our Help & Member Services pages at http://help.rr.com, or the virus filtering information page directly at http://help.rr.com/faqs/e_mgsp.html. 

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