[XML-SIG] [Announce] Gnosis (XML) Utils 1.0.4

David Mertz, Ph.D. mertz@gnosis.cx
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 01:36:00 -0400

BACKGROUND:  Gnosis Utilites contains a number of Python libraries, most
(but not all) related to working with XML.  These include:

    gnosis.xml.pickle       (XML pickling of Python objects)
    gnosis.xml.objectify    (Any XML to "native" Python objects)
    gnosis.xml.validity     (Enforce validity constraints)
    gnosis.xml.indexer      (XPATH indexing of XML documents)
    gnosis.indexer          (Full-text indexing/searching)
    [...].convert.txt2html  (Convert ASCII source files to HTML)
    gnosis.util.dtd2sql     (DTD -> SQL 'CREATE TABLE' statements)
    gnosis.util.sql2dtd     (SQL query -> DTD for query results)
    gnosis.util.xml2sql     (XML -> SQL 'INSERT INTO' statements)
    gnosis.util.combinators (Combinatorial higher-order functions)
    gnosis.util.introspect  (Introspect Python objects)

...and so much more! :-)


This release contains a variety of minor bugfixes contributed by

 * gnosis.xml.validity accidentally left out of 1.0.3

 * gnosis.introspect has minor improvements/corrections.

 * User contributed, but not really tested, improvements to
   gnosis.indexer.  Let me know if this breaks something (it has
   to do with reindexing working correctly).

 * Cleanup of gnosis.xml.objectify bug introduced in 1.0.3
   (problem was detecting file object rather than string or

 * Probably something else I forgot.

It may be obtained at:

The current release is always available as:

Try it out, have fun, send feedback!

David Mertz (mertz@gnosis.cx)