[XML-SIG] an example of generating XML?

Thomas B. Passin tpassin@comcast.net
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 01:02:26 -0400

[warren henning]

> Could someone give a simple example of generating a valid, well-formed XML
> file using PyXML?
> Just show me the code to create something simple like:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <data>
>     <node id="1" ack="blah">This is a test node.</node>
>     <node id="2">So is this.</node>
> </data>
> I want something that works.

You could be more complete and accurate about what you are asking for.
Without a DTD, your document cannot be tested for validity.  And you do not
need pyXML to create your document - you can just create a string - so I
assume that you really mean to create it using DOM.

Here is a minimal example that works, though without error handling.  It
uses pyXML 0.8 plus the corresponding version of 4Suite, on Windows2000.
This code comes mainly from test_document.py in the xmldoc\test\dom
directory, which is worth reading parts of.  It creates enough of your
requested document so you can see how to complete it.


Tom P

from xml.dom import Document
from xml.dom.ext.Printer import PrintWalker,PrintVisitor


def build_doc():
    dt = implementation.createDocumentType('','','')
    doc = implementation.createDocument(EMPTY_NAMESPACE,None,dt);

    e = doc.createElement('data')

    e2 = doc.createElement('node')

    return doc

if __name__=='__main__':

    import sys
    visitor=PrintVisitor(sys.stdout,'iso-8859-1','    ')