[XML-SIG] losing cdata tag

Paul Tremblay phthenry@earthlink.net
Wed, 29 May 2002 11:49:38 -0400

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 09:41:45AM +0200, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> What version of PyXML are you using? Can you try 0.7.1?

I downloaded the most stable version of PyXML about 3 weeks ago,
so I'm thinking an outdated library is not the fault (though of
course I could be wrong.)

However, I used Juergen's suggestion (thanks Juergen!):

>>> from xml.sax import sax2exts
>>> p =sax2exts.make_parser()
>>> print p
<xml.sax.expatreader.ExpatParser instance at 0x81e06a4>

So it seems like I'm using expat, and it is likely that I could
be using an outdated version(?) (Also, how come when I do $which
expat, I get "no expat found...etc?)

One last thing occurrs to me. Mandrake (my linux distribution)
puts its libraries in a non-standard place. I just updated
python at the same exact time I downloaded and installed PyXML.
The new version puts the libraries in the standard place.
However, I never bothered to remove the old libraries. I wonder
if they are being used?  Though again, since python is using
expat, this wouldn't be a factor.



*Paul Tremblay         *