[XML-SIG] XML Binding?

Bill la Forge Bill la Forge" <b.laforge@jxml.com
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 08:34:58 -0400


Thanks for the expression of interest.

Now the real question is, who would be interested in working on such a
I've been doing open source for too long to be interested in doing another
project solo.
Projects I'm currently managing are Quick, JXUnit, JXWeb and QARE----and
QARE is more than a full time job.

On the other hand, Quick is old enough that it is time for a radical
overhaul. Switching
to Python would do that.

Quick has been through 3 name changes and 7 complete rewrites. Quick uses a
tree factory
pattern. Its predicessor, MDSAX, used a SAX filter patern. Before that was
Coins, which was
rather ad hoc.

What I'm proposing for PyQ would use the Model/Control and
patterns. Which should be a lot easier to work with than tree factory. All
of the Quick
utilities currently build on M/C and M/V/C. See the section on Transforming
XML in
the Quick Guide at

I have found that M/C and M/V/C are powerful patterns for transforming XML
and data.
The Quick utilities transform XML into XML, Java Model Classes, Java
Classes and DTDs. And while Quick provided reasonable support for binding
XML to
pre-existing Java classes, I believe PyQ would provide even greater

For more information on Quick, you might want to take a look at the O'Reilly
book, Java &
XML Data Binding by Brett McLaughlin. Chapter 9 and appendix B are devoted
to Quick.
