[XML-SIG] PyXML 0.8 is released

Martin v. Löwis loewis@informatik.hu-berlin.de
01 Aug 2002 12:37:29 +0200

Version 0.8 of the Python/XML distribution is now available.  It
should be considered a beta release, and can be downloaded from
the following URLs:


Changes in this version, compared to 0.7.1:

        * Python 1.5 is not supported anymore; Python 2.0 or higher
          is required.

        * Expat has been updated to 1.95.4.

        * pyexpat is now always built.

        * pyexpat now reports skipped entities.

        * pyexpat now can combine subsequent character data events
          into a single callback invocation; set the parser's
          buffer_text attribute to true to enable this feature.

        * pyexpat can now report namespace prefixes.  Set the parser's
          namespace_prefixes attribute to true to enable this feature.

        * Various bugs in sgmlop have been fixed.

        * Various DOM Level 3 symbolic constants have been added;
          DOMStringSizeErr can now be spelled as DomstringSizeErr
          again, and ValidationErr has been defined.

        * Various DOM L1, L2 and L3 features have been added to
          minidom: userdata, isSupported, getInterface, wholeText,
          replaceWholeText, Entity, Notation

        * minidom's .toxml now allows the caller to specify an encoding.

        * The new module xml.dom.xmlbuilder implements the load part
          of the DOM L3 Load/Store spec.

        * The new module xml.dom.expatbuilder allows to create minidom
          trees more efficiently, by using expat directly (rather than
          using SAX).  This is normally used via xml.dom.xmlbuilder.

        * Bugs in c14n namespace processing have been fixed.

        * Minor bugs in xmlproc have been fixed.

        * xml.sax.expatreader now invokes resolveEntity properly.

        * The sgmlop SAX driver now invokes skippedEntity.

        * The xml-howto has been updated.

        * Bugs in the MSIE, ADR, and NS XBEL parsers have been fixed.

The Python/XML distribution contains the basic tools required for
processing XML data using the Python programming language, assembled
into one easy-to-install package.  The distribution includes parsers
and standard interfaces such as SAX and DOM, along with various other
useful modules.

The package currently contains:

        * XML parsers: Pyexpat (Jack Jansen), xmlproc (Lars Marius
          Garshol), sgmlop (Fredrik Lundh).
        * SAX interface (Lars Marius Garshol)
        * minidom DOM implementation (Paul Prescod, others)
        * 4DOM and 4XPath from Fourthought (Uche Ogbuji, Mike Olson)
        * Schema implementations: TREX (James Tauber)
        * Various utility modules and functions (various people)
        * Documentation and example programs (various people)

The code is being developed bazaar-style by contributors from the
Python XML Special Interest Group, so please send comments and
questions to <xml-sig@python.org>.  Bug reports may be filed on


For more information about Python and XML, see:

Martin v. Löwis               http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~loewis