[XML-SIG] Hello again.

Matt Gushee Matt Gushee <mgushee@havenrock.com>
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 01:23:16 -0600

On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 01:12:57AM -0600, Matt Gushee wrote:

> > style of link.  This makes sense to me as it's valid XML and it should
> > be pretty easy to convert it to html when I need to.
> Well, to be exact, it already is HTML, as well as being well-formed*
> XML.

Oops. Forgot the footnote. You said "valid XML." Although your meaning
is clear enough in context, it's a good habit to keep in mind the 
distinction between well-formed XML, which is any markup that obeys
XML syntax rules, and valid XML, which conforms to a DTD or Schema.

Matt Gushee
Englewood, Colorado, USA