[XML-SIG] pb with sax2 and name spaces

Lars Marius Garshol larsga@garshol.priv.no
29 Oct 2001 17:45:05 +0100

* Sylvain Thenault
| I'm trying to write a sax2 handler, but when I want to parse an xml file
| using :

Actually, it seems that you are using pDomlette, rather than making
your own SAX 2.0 handler.
|     from xml.sax import make_parser
|     from xml.sax.handler import feature_external_ges 
|     p = make_parser(["xml.sax.drivers2.drv_xmlproc"])
|     p.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 1)
|     p.setFeature(feature_validation, 0)
|     p.setFeature(feature_external_ges,1)
|     p.setContentHandler(handler)
|     p.parse(f)

You don't say where this "handler" is coming from, but from your
traceback it seems to be the pDomlette DOM builder.
|   File "parser.py", line 64, in startElementNS
|     self._handler.startElementNS(name, qname, attrs)
|   File "/home/syt/lib/python2.1/site-packages/Ft/Xml/pDomletteReader.py",
| line 238, in startElementNS
|     (foo,bar, baz) = self._handleStartElementNss(name, attribs)
|   File "/home/syt/lib/python2.1/site-packages/Ft/Xml/ReaderBase.py", line
| 225, in _handleStartElementNss
|     raise "Namespaces in validating docs not supported"
| Namespaces in validating docs not supported    

What version of 4Suite are you using? 
| (notice I have disabled validation !)

You have, and so this looks very much like a pDomlette bug to me.

--Lars M.