[XML-SIG] FromXml question

paul@boddie.net paul@boddie.net
29 Oct 2001 10:48:54 -0000

markus jais <info@mjais.de> wrote:
>I just downloaded the new PyXML tutorial about DOM from IBM's developerworks
>and read, that 
>are the main functions for parsing.
>but when I look at the source code of Sax2.py
>these functions are marked 
>"Deprecated "

Just the other day, I wrote a message to this list [1] about the deprecated 
FromXmlStream and the seemingly supported fromStream method in the Reader class 
located in the Sax2.py module. I think that you have to replace...

  from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import FromXmlStream # or whatever
  doc = FromXmlStream(someStream)


  from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import Reader
  doc = Reader().fromStream(someStream)

At least, that's how it seems to me, anyway.


[1] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/xml-sig/2001-October/006232.html

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