[XML-SIG] DOM Documentation

Rodrigo Senra rodsenra@gpr.com.br
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:27:00 -0200

  is there anybody still working with DOM Documentation (Python
  XML Howto release 0.6.1) ?
  I'm having to dig it up now, and I could use this opportunity to advance
  a bit the documentation process. But it would be better to sync it up
  with current efforts.
Rod Senra

Rodrigo Senra
Computer Engineer (GPr Sistemas Ltda) rodsenra@gpr.com.br
MSc Student (IC - UNICAMP) Rodrigo.Senra@ic.unicamp.br
http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~921234 (LinUxer 217.243) (ICQ 114477550)