[XML-SIG] drv_jython

Lars Marius Garshol larsga@garshol.priv.no
04 Oct 2001 23:07:05 +0200

* Martin v. Loewis
| Go ahead and check it into the mainline. 

Me do.
| Well, PyXML will already look for the python.xml.sax.parser property
| to select a parser. If using the Java SAX code causes troubles, we
| already know a work-around.

True enough. I'll check it in, then.
| I'm not sure drv_jython is a good name, though. Shouldn't it rather
| indicate the specific Java API you are using, like jaxml (or what
| its name is)? Or perhaps even the specific parser that you use?

The specific Java API is SAX. The driver uses JAXP to create the
parser (but not for anything else), and if JAXP doesn't find a parser
it falls back to using SAX.

We could always call it drv_javasax, I guess. That is perhaps a better

--Lars M.