[XML-SIG] Re: 4DOM and i18n

Karl Eichwalder Karl Eichwalder <keichwa@gmx.net>
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 06:39:36 +0100

Alexandre Fayolle <Alexandre.Fayolle@logilab.fr> writes:

> I think this means that someone having his LANG environment variable set
> to fr_CH or en_AU will not be seeing the localized messages, and that
> en_US and fr_FR should be renamed to en and fr respectively. 

Arguable whether it's okay to rename message files.  It should be up to
the translator to decide.  Instead of renaming I recommend to create
links (or copies) at installation time for fallback purposes as
explained by Martin.

cd .../fr/LC_MESSAGES
ln -sf ../../fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/$DOMAIN.mo .

ke@suse.de (work) / keichwa@gmx.net (home):              |
http://www.suse.de/~ke/                                  |      ,__o
Free Translation Project:                                |    _-\_<,
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