[XML-SIG] setAttribute DOM question-newbie

Guy Robinson ohbehave@ihug.co.nz
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 10:23:20 +1300


 Trying to create a ODBC table -> xml ->(eventually) 4SS script and having
the following problem with setattribute. I would like each field value to be
 an elements attribute but I can't get
new_elem.setAttribute(QryAttrName[i] ,row[i] )
to work .I can't see what's wrong with it (see complete code below).
The traceback is:

  new_elem.setAttribute(QryAttrName[i] ,row[i] )
  File "C:\PYTHON21\_xmlplus\dom\Element.py", line 98, in setAttribute
     raise SyntaxErr()
 xml.dom.SyntaxErr: Specified string is invalid or illegal

 What don't I understand? TIA


 import dbi  , odbc
 from xml.dom import implementation
 import xml.dom.ext
 import os, string, time

     doc = implementation.createDocument(None,'revit',None)
     doc_elem = doc.documentElement

     startt = time.time()
     DbCon = odbc.odbc('testrevit')
     DbCur = DbCon.cursor()
     DbCur.execute('select * from products')
     QryAttrName = map(lambda dbq: dbq[0], DbCur.description)
     DbRec = DbCur.fetchall()
     for row in DbRec:
         new_elem = doc.createElement( 'item')
         for i in range(len(row)):
             new_elem.setAttribute(QryAttrName[i] ,row[i] ) #<------
             print QryAttrName[i], "=", row[i]

     print  time.time() - startt