[XML-SIG] Metadata in XBEL

Lars Marius Garshol larsga@garshol.priv.no
29 Mar 2001 23:38:58 +0200

* Fred L. Drake, Jr.
| Here's the problem: What we want is to be able to say
| "ANY-and-we-really-mean-it", not ANY as defined in the DTD language.
| That definition tells us that ANY means anything *defined in the
| DTD*, which is pretty limited -- this is an inherited SGML wart.  I
| don't know how to express what we actually want in the DTD language;
| if anyone can tell me, I'd be glad to change the DTD for revision
| 1.1.

I would do it like this:

  <!-- Please redefine this in any derived DTDs -->
  <!ENTITY % any "EMPTY">

  <!ELEMENT metadata %any;>

That would allow anyone creating an extended DTD to first define their
elements, then redefine %any;, then refer to the XBEL DTD and have it
interpreted correctly.

ANY would also work, in the sense that another DTD could define the
extra elements and then refer to the XBEL DTD, but I think it would be
too loose, and that a PE is better.

--Lars M.