[XML-SIG] setup.py question

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:03:22 -0500 (EST)

J=E9r=F4me Marant writes:
 >   Well, I can see the problem now. It is related to the way the
 >   interpreter is packaged in Debian: we usually split packages in
 >   several parts (thematically) in order not to bloat the system.
 >   For instance, python2-xmlbase contains the core xml library.
 >   My problem is that i made pyxml conflict with python2-xmlbase
 >   so that we cannot have 2 xml implementations at a time.
 >   So, It breaks applications since import xml does not work any
 >   more.

  Hmm... the reason for moving some of it into the core was to ensure
that all installations have at least basic XML support if pyexpat
could compile; is pyexpat part of xmlbase?  (And not all of the xml
package depends on pyexpat; even using another parser, the xml.dom and
xml.sax packages provide the needed exceptions and constants for a
number of the XML APIs.  The node type constants are one example; such
things need to be found in a single location for fully general API

 >   After reading your remark, would do say that the core xml
 >   package is mandatory for pyxml ? If so, i can peacefully
 >   remove the "conflict". If not, I'll have to rename _xmlplus
 >   to xml.

  I'd make xmlbase mandatory for PyXML; it includes the magic needed
to PyXML take precedence if present.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations