[XML-SIG] Re: [4suite] Article about XSLT 1.1 and <xsl:script>

Uche Ogbuji uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com
Thu, 01 Mar 2001 10:37:38 -0700

Alexandre Fayolle wrote:
> Our dear friend Uche is quoted on
> http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/02/14/deviant.html about the <xsl:script>
> element.
> The article is worth reading, I think.

Actually, I've gone beyond that.  With Clark Evans and other concerned
parties, I've set up a petition against the xsl:script nonsense and
language bindings.  Please see


I think Python XML users in should be worried about the W3C's continual
efforts to enshrine particular languages as first-class XML-processing
environments.  It wouldn't be so bad if things such as xsl:script were
not so bloody unnecessary.

Uche Ogbuji                               Principal Consultant
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com               +1 303 583 9900 x 101
Fourthought, Inc.                         http://Fourthought.com 
4735 East Walnut St, Ste. C, Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
Software-engineering, knowledge-management, XML, CORBA, Linux, Python