[4suite] Re: [XML-SIG] xsl:nclude-and-transform

Mike Olson Mike.Olson@fourthought.com
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 11:41:06 -0600

Nicolas Chauvat wrote:
> that would get replaced with
>         <orgname>...</orgname>
>         <address>...</address>
> *before* the document is processed by the docbook XSL stylesheet.
> Of I could customize my docbook XSL stylesheet, but then I'd have to
> include every single transform that converts data from one format to a
> docbook representation.
> I think that one way of doing it would be to enhance 4xslt as Uche
> suggested. Another way to do it might be to forget about the "xsl
> processor does all in one step" idea and use a script that first replac=
> the include-and-transform tags (with an xsl transform ?), then feeds
> the result to the XSL processor that applies the docook stylesheet.
> I'll look into it some more and maybe ask for more details about
> adding that feature to 4xslt. Let me know if you've got a better idea a=
> thank you very much for your support :-)

Two step processesing will give you the most flexibility.

I guess I don't see how extending 4xslt will help.  I see your solution
then "include and transform" but what uche said looks more like
"transform and include" which I don't see as helping.

To do it all in one XSLT script, you would need to do something similar
to my second approach of

1.  Read "company.xml" into a RTF
2.  Select that RTF into another to "render it to docbook"
3.  Select the resulting RTF against the standard docbook stylesheets.

The down side is that you need all possible stylesheets included in the
main stylesheet, but you can pick and choose how to render it as you


> --
> Nicolas Chauvat
> http://www.logilab.com - "Mais o=F9 est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Pari=
s (France)

Mike Olson                                Principal Consultant
mike.olson@fourthought.com                +1 303 583 9900 x 102
Fourthought, Inc.                         http://Fourthought.com=20
4735 East Walnut St,                      http://4Suite.org
Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
XML strategy, XML tools, knowledge management