[XML-SIG] Parsing DTD

Philip King emdpek@chron.com
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 17:27:22 -0500

I am looking for (or desiring to build) a DTD Browser tool.  I am
imagining a simple window, initially showing the "root" entity.  Each
entity can be optionally (clickably) expanded, which would reveal its
children entity nodes.  In a separate window, perhaps a listing of a
nodes attributes.

(For users of IE Explorer, a similar utility can be found in the NITF
DTD docs:

Here is my dilemna: I cannot figure the hoops one must just through in
order to have a parser (either Expat, xmlproc, xmllib, etc...) to read
and parse a DTD.  They all seem to choke with a syntax error...

Any ideas?
