[XML-SIG] I am confused...

Roman Suzi rnd@onego.ru
Sun, 28 Jan 2001 10:53:06 +0300 (MSK)


I've just subscribed to this list and my brief
browsing of archives suggested this is right place to
ask my question.

I maintain a journal and newspaper sites (in russian and finnish
languages) ( for example, http://carelia.onego.ru )
and am thinking about using XML to store articles.

(Now I use custom Python scripts to generate sites)

However, when I made a prototype program
and tried to generate page with Python XML tools (xml.*,
not 4Suite, I used Python 1.5.2) - it was so slow
that I just thrown the idea out.

However, XML is a natural format to represent the data
I  store in an ad-hoc format anyway.

So, my main question is:

- are Python XML tools (and which of them?) up to the task of facilitating
site-generation with bearable speed?

And one more less related to the above:

Right now I need to markup raw material for the articles
by hand and I want to do it with less keystrokes. Just
typing tags for '<author>This And This</author>' is not less typing
How do you solve this?

I am planning to do something like:

a::This And This
h::The Headline

and then run custom pre-processor which will store this
in proper format (I hope it will be XML if I find
fast way to deal with it in Python)

The other way to do the same is to write special mode
for Emacs, but I am not very proficient in that and
I take into consideration that if somebody else will need
to add material instead of me he will be
not happy...

Any ideas?


Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
Vote for my design: http://silvermouse.onego.ru/gray.php3?id=0018
_/ Russia _/ Karelia _/ Petrozavodsk _/ rnd@onego.ru _/
_/ Sunday, January 28, 2001 _/ Powered by Linux RedHat 6.2 _/
_/ "Patience is a virtue, it's just not one of my better virtues" _/