[XML-SIG] Your Site Search Engine

Spiderline sales@spiderline.com
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 19:51:27

Make your Website Searchable in Minutes!

With Spiderline(SM), you can add a search engine to your website without 
any additional software or special maintenance.  Visitors can search 
through the pages of your website to quickly find useful information.

- No ads or design limitations of any kind.  Your design can be 
customized to look exactly like your website!

- Comprehensive query reports - Know what visitors are searching for.

- No software or special maintenance required.  Register today and add 
working search options to your site immediately.


Follow a one-step registration process and Spiderline will crawl your 
website and make an index from the pages it finds.  When a visitor 
submits a search query on your website, information on relevant pages 
is retrieved from the index and displayed on customized pages.

Your customers will click on a link from the search results page and 
return to your site withought knowing they left! 

REGISTER FOR FREE TODAY, by visiting  http://www.spiderline.com/

 - The Spiderline Team
 - http://www.spiderline.com/

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