[XML-SIG] Re: [4suite] Re: [4S-0.10.1beta2] problem with validating parser

Uche Ogbuji uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com
Sat, 13 Jan 2001 19:06:57 -0700

"Martin v. Loewis" wrote:
> > I'm not sure if this is a 4Suite bug or an xmlproc bug. Attempting to
> > generate a DOM with validate set to 1 fails.
> It's a bug in 4DOM, although xmlproc could be more robust (as Lars
> Marius already admitted).
> The problem is indeed that the XmlDomGenerator produces an index error
> in the line
>         old_nss, del_nss = self._namespaceStack[-1]
> At that point, nothing is on the namespace stack. The reason for that
> is that xmlproc uses the namespace interface of the content handler by
> default, ie. it calls startElementNS and endElementNS.

A bit of a co-incidence.  I discovered this bug (and others in Sax2) a
few hours ago.  Lars's comment about IndexErrors was also my clue.  The
code on my machine now works with xmlproc and SAX2.

It still appears that the fixes I made to drv_xmlproc and xmlproc itself
are valid.  For instance, drv_xmlproc's InputSource management was
broken and xmlproc itself would incorrectly assign the elements
namespace URI to any unprefixed attributes.

I'm currently looking into the minidom and pulldom masking bugs you
mentioned and there should be another beta out today.


Uche Ogbuji                               Principal Consultant
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com               +1 303 583 9900 x 101
Fourthought, Inc.                         http://Fourthought.com 
4735 East Walnut St, Ste. C, Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
Software-engineering, knowledge-management, XML, CORBA, Linux, Python