[XML-SIG] REMINDER: Days left for O'Reilly Open Source Conference XML CFP

Edd Dumbill edd@usefulinc.com
Tue, 6 Feb 2001 10:14:56 +0000

A reminder -- just days left to submit a proposal for the XML track at
O'Reilly's Open Source convention this year.  I include the original CFP
below. Please get in touch if you have any questions or need more time.

(sent to XML-DEV, copied to Apache General, Python XML-SIG and Perl-XML

Call for Participation

XTech 2001 Conference (in co-operation with GCA)

Part of the O'Reilly Open Source Convention

July 23-27, 2001 in San Diego, California

The Open Source Convention is a five-day event designed for programmers,
developers, and technical staff involved in Open Source technology and
its applications.  The Convention includes two days of intensely focused
tutorials aimed at novices and experienced users, and three days of
multi-tracked convention sessions, including an XML track, XTech 2001.

The XML program committee invites submissions of tutorials or
convention presentations on pure XML topics, open source XML
applications and the use of XML in open source platforms. Submissions
tailored for open source developers new to XML, as well as those that
highlight the cutting edge of XML technology are sought.

Submissions by marketing staff or with a marketing focus will not be

The deadline for tutorial and presentation proposals is February 9, 2001

Further details and guidelines for submission may be found at

-- Edd Dumbill, XML Track Chair <mailto:edd@oreilly.com>