[XML-SIG] xml-schema parsing using minidom.

Martin v. Loewis martin@v.loewis.de
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 09:48:39 +0100

> This explicitly checks for the right xml: namespace uri and raises an
> exception if it isn't found.  

You are looking at createDocument. That check is in place only for the
document element, and it doesn't "look" for namespace uri - it just
expects that the uri argument and the qualified name match.

> The minidom parser() method doesn't handle the exception, which is
> what prevented Maharajan's .xsd file from getting parsed by minidom
> (at least, when I added the namespace declaration, minidom.parse()
> completed successfully).

No. The exception in Maharajan's code came from a different place,
namely from

            elif a_uri:
                prefix = self._current_context[a_uri]

in pulldom. At that point, the createDocument call is old history.

> Should this code be removed?

