[XML-SIG] SOAP in CGI-like environments

Paul Prescod paulp@ActiveState.com
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 18:00:56 -0700

Rich Salz wrote:
> Hope that's more clear.

Yes. Now I understand.

> > jsut want to point their server at their class and have it do all CGI
> > wrapping for them. SOAP::Lite and the PHP equivalent have this feature.
> I know I can do at least as well as Paul K. :)  (Just kidding; he's been
> very helpful in the interop testing.)  Please take a look at the ZSI
> doc; if it doesn't do what you want, I'm probably quite willing to add
> what's missing.

I'm looking through it right now. Unfortunately every SOAP toolkit is
different (often using conflicting terminology for the same stuff) so it
takes me a while to figure each out.

>From a pedagogic point of view, may I suggest you start your
documentation with a SOAP "hello world." As in:

use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;

SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI -> dispatch_to('Demo') -> handle; 

package Demo; 
sub hi { return "hello, world"; } 
sub bye { return "goodbye, cruel world"; } 

I'm trying to work up a talk on how EASY it is to work with SOAP in
scripting languages. I'll try to boil your example down to the barest
essence and see how close it gets to SOAP::Lite. :-)
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