[XML-SIG] SAX 2.0: Package structure

Lars Marius Garshol larsga@garshol.priv.no
15 May 2000 21:46:06 +0200

Proposal for SAX 2.0 package structure:

Goal: It should be possible to:

 - install SAX 2.0 over SAX 1.0 (thus deleting the old SAX 1.0
   installation) and have SAX 1.0 applications continue
   to work unchanged with no problems


 - Everything should be in the xml.sax package, just as before

 - saxlib.py

   - This should contain the core base classes, just as before, but
   adding the SAX 2.0 ones to the SAX 1.0 ones and marking the
   deprecated ones as such.

 - saxutils.py

   - This should also contain the core utility classes, and extend the
   existing set with a new set for SAX 2.0. There should also be bug
   fixes and improvements to the existing classes.

 - saxexts.py

   - This should remain unchanged, since the make_parser function
   should still return SAX 1.0 parser drivers.

 - sax2exts.py

   - This should contain:

     - parser factories and the make_parser function

     - the org.xml.sax.ext package classes?

     - anything else?

 - drivers

   - This package should contain the SAX 1.0 drivers, mostly
   unchanged, but with updates where necessary.

 - drivers2

   - This package should contain the new SAX 2.0 drivers.

--Lars M.