[XML-SIG] How to get 4DOM to output empty <elements />

Norman Walsh Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
08 May 2000 18:52:20 -0400

/ Michael Hudson <mwh21@cam.ac.uk> was heard to say:
| I'm currently using 4DOM to generate XHTML (in a very crufty way that
| I will probably ask for more help on soon), and I'm finding that 4DOM
| produces stuff like
| <img src="blah.gif"></img>

Perfectly legit. In XML, there is no distinction between
<tag></tag> and <tag/>.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Science is a way of talking about the
http://nwalsh.com/            | universe in words that bind it to a
                              | common reality. Magic is a method of
                              | talking to the universe in words that
                              | it cannot ignore. The two are rarely
                              | compatible.--Neil Gaiman