John Day jday@csihq.com
Wed, 03 May 2000 14:11:15 -0400

What is RAX? I did a search for "rax" at the Cover XML site
and came up with 0 hits. Evidently some SAX-like API for XML?
Could someone provide some links please.

John Day
At 07:15 PM 5/3/00 +0200, Lars Marius Garshol wrote:
>* Ken MacLeod
>| Since that's good for a reason, it may also be good if there were a
>| version of SAX that _was_ pull-style so that it could be used in
>| applications like RAX.  In this way, one could stack SAX modules and
>| filters in a pull-style chain as an alternative to a push-style chain.
>I agree with this and have been thinking about this for a while, but
>I'm not sure how we would actually implement this. The only XML parser
>we have that supports a pull-style interface is RXP, and I'm not sure
>if we can convert the other interfaces to pull-style interfaces in a
>sensible way (at least not on a level as low as SAX) without storing
>the entire sequence of events.
>Good ideas are welcome...
>--Lars M.
>XML-SIG maillist  -  XML-SIG@python.org