[XML-SIG] SAX Namespaces

tpassin@home.com tpassin@home.com
Thu, 6 Jul 2000 21:31:29 -0400

Fred L. Drake, Jr wrote -
>   The unexpected part was that you'd *ever* want to iterate over a
> list in "normal" applications!  Unless the order of the attributes in
> the source instance is important, I don't see why.
>   The more I think about it, the more I think a dict-like approach is
> the only useful way.
Well, if you don't know what attributes to expect - like you don't have a
DTD and you want to display an more-or-less unknown document - you want to
iterate over the attributes.  If you know what attributes you want,
especially if you know they are in there, you'd like a dictionary.

As Paul and Greg have mentioned, it's easy to get a list if you have a
dictionary.  I've changed my mind on this one - I used to think a list was
the right idea.  But now I say a dictionary would be good.  I don't see it
as being bad either way, though.


Tom Passin