[XML-SIG] PyXPath 1.1

Martin v. Loewis martin@loewis.home.cs.tu-berlin.de
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 17:03:50 +0100

> There is no such beast.  These were originally intended to be purely internal 
> objects.  If we decided to expose them as an API, we'd want to decide on the 
> naming (Martin doesn't like the "Parsed" prefixes, I'm +0 on killing them) and 
> document them properly.

If you could follow the IDL API I just posted, renaming the classes
would not be necessary: the "official" way to create instances of
those classes would be to use the factory; the official way to find
out what kind of expression you have would be to look at the exprType

> For now, your best bet is to have a look at XPath/Parsed* in 4Suite
> (and also check out Xslt/Parsed* for the associated Pattern machine
> objects).

Given that the Pattern grammar is only slightly larger than the XPath
grammar: Would it be useful to provide only a single interface, with
the option of either parsing a LocationPath or a Pattern? At least
when using YAPPS, it is not difficult to have two start symbols in a
single grammar.
