[XML-SIG] new qp_xml.py

Walter Doerwald walter@data.franken.de
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 11:00:42 +0200

On Tue, 09 Nov 1999 14:50:08 +0100 Laurent Szyster wrote:

> Greg Stein wrote:
> > 
> > Suggestions/changes/etc are welcome! (Laurent... :-)
> Here are some suggestions (partly implemented in the attached
> myXML.tar.gz archive):
>  . Split the building of the tree between a "Parser" class that
>    instanciates the nodes and the "DOM" class that stores them
>    (and eventually index them). This allow for more combination
>    of features, hence better code re-use and extendability.

This parser class should have factory functions for every type of nodes it
generates, which I can overwrite (something like createText(),
createElement(), createComment(), etc.). This would e.g. make it possible
to use different classes for the different element types. Or I could use
extended node classes (probably via mixins) that provide additional
functionality for all nodes.

>    Here the important is the definition of the interface
>    between the "Parser" and the "DOM": the "Element" class
>    and the "DOM.append()" method.
>  . Allow for direct mapping of XML to the Python namespace, in
>    such way that you could refer to the second <p> element of
>    the first <chapter> in a document as
>      dom.root.chapter[0].p[1]
>    That's very pythonic. It is implemented in a "DOM", and
>    therefore can be combined with different "Parsers".

I've experimented with something similar to that. My element classes have a
__getitem__ (and __setitem__ and __delitem__), when it's passed a string
it returns (oder modifies or deletes) the attribute with this name, when
it's passed a number i it returns the i'th child node. __getslice__ etc. or
implemented for slices of child nodes to. I find this interface much more

I could post the code, if someone is interrested.

> [...]


Walter Dörwald · walter@data.franken.de · Kommunikationnetz Franken e.V.