[XML-SIG] GPS - Groves and Property Sets for Python 0.10

Geir Ove Grønmo grove@infotek.no
10 Nov 1999 11:02:11 +0100


I'm pleased to announce the first release of GPS - Groves and Property
Sets for Python.

Suggestions and bug reports should be sent to: grove@infotek.no

Geir O. Grønmo


Title: GPS - Groves and Property Sets for Python

Version: 0.10
Released: November 10th 1999

Author: Geir O. Grønmo, grove@infotek.no
License: GPL

Homepage: http://www.infotek.no/~grove/software/gps/index.html

- --
>>> What is GPS?

GPS is an implementation of the groves and property set concepts
defined in the HyTime and DSSSL standards. GPS is written in Python,
and should work* on any platform to which Python have been ported -
including the Java Platform.

There are two implementations in the current distribution, one
in-memory implemention and one that supports ZODB - the Zope Object
Database. Both groves, property sets and grove plans can be made
persistent by the ZODB implementation.

- --
>>> Features

 o Loading of property sets from documents conforming to the Property
   Set DTD, or any derived DTD [requires architectural processing].

 o Grove plans. Default grove plans is automatically created by
   wrapping a GrovePlan object around a property set. Inclusion and
   omitting of modules, classes and properties are fully supported.

 o Two grove node implementations, both generic classes for
   representing grove nodes.

 o ZODB - Zope Object Database versions of all grove, property set and
   grove plan classes.

 o Module for building XML groves from SAX event streams. This module
   also contains a class for emitting SAX events by walking XML groves.

 o Sample Property Sets

- --
>>> Requirements
  - Python 1.5.2 or newer [3]
  - An SGML/XML parser with a SAX driver
  - SAX for Python [4]
  - xmlarch 0.25, optional unless architectural processing is needed [5]

- --
>>> References

[1] http://www.jpython.org/
[2] http://www.ornl.gov/sgml/SC34/
[3] http://www.python.org/
[4] http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~larsga/download/python/xml/saxlib.html
[5] http://www.infotek.no/~grove/software/xmlarch/index.html
[6] http://www.infotek.no/~grove/software/gps/licence.html

* The ZODB implementation won't work in a Java environment, since the
ZODB contains code written in C.


<P><A HREF="http://www.infotek.no/~grove/software/gps/index.html">GPS
- Groves and Property Sets for Python version 0.10</A> an
implementation of the groves and property set concepts defined in the
HyTime and DSSSL standards. (10-Nov-1999)