Paul Prescod paul@prescod.net
Thu, 04 Nov 1999 05:01:59 -0600

Fred Wilson Horch wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a good open source tool for creating PDF output
> from XML?
> Right now I'm using xmlproc and pdfgen (part of Piddle), but I have to
> write all my own code for line and page breaks.
> How do other people produce PDF files from XML using Python?  Not using
> Python?

Going directly from XML to PDF is probably not a good idea. As you've
pointed out, PDF is very low-level. Something like TeX, RTF, Lout etc.
is usually the right middle ground.

Therefore I would suggest you convert XML to TeX using Python (or Jade)
and then convert TeX to PDF using PDFTex.

 Paul Prescod