[XML-SIG] ANN: tmproc 0.10, a Topic Map implementation

Geir Ove Grønmo grove@infotek.no
22 Mar 1999 08:46:56 -2300


I'm pleased to announce the first release of tmproc, a Topic Map
processor. This release is meant to be a technology preview.


Geir O.


Title: tmproc
Version: 0.10

Released: March 23rd 1999
Author: Geir O. Grønmo, grove@infotek.no

Homepage: http://www.infotek.no/~grove/software/tmproc/index.html

    - Python 1.5.1 or newer [1]
    - An SGML/XML parser with a SAX driver
    - SAX for Python [2]
    - xmlarch 0.25, optional unless architectural processing is needed [3]

- --

>>> What is tmproc?

tmproc is an implementation of the new international standard ISO/IEC
13250 Topic Maps[4]. tmproc is written in Python, and it should work
on any platform to which Python have been ported[2].

tmproc is a set of classes that represents a framework for doing topic
map processing in Python.

The current release includes the following set of classes:

 o classes for representing topic map objects like TopicMap, Topic,
 TopicName, Occurrence, Locator, Association, AssociationRole, Facet
 and FacetValue.

 o a factory class for creating topic map objects.

 o a class for importing topic maps, TMImporter. It listens to SAX
 events and use a factory class and interfaces to build a Topic Map.

 o an export class, TMExporter, that emits SAX events in the topic map
 interchange format so that any SAX document handler may be used for

 o statistical and information printing classes, TMUtils and TMStats.

A command line utility is also included in the distribution.

The implementation is currently based on a draft released some time
before the final ballot. Some deviations from the - soon to be
released - final standard is expected.

Currently only a in-memory implementation is available. A relational
database implementation have also been written, but is not available
in the distribution because it is a bit crude at the moment.

Fortunately tmproc has been written in a way that makes it easy to do
additional implementations.

- --

>>> Some of the features are:

 o Import, export, query and manipulation of topic maps.

 o Full set of extensible topic map classes with clearly defined
   interfaces. Association, AssociationRole, Facet, FacetValue, Locator,
   Occurrence, Topic, TopicMap, TopicMapFactory and TopicName.

 o Access to data in topic map objects using getter and setter methods.

 o Get types including transitive types of topics, associations and facets.

 o Get objects [e.g. topics, associations and facets] that are of
   given types or more specific types.

 o Get objects [e.g. associations] that exists in a scope or in any of
   the scopes' subscopes.

 o Optional architectural processing [requires xmlarch].

 o Introduction and reference documentation.

Suggestions and bug reports should be sent to: grove@infotek.no

- --

[1] http://www.python.org/

[2] http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~larsga/download/python/xml/saxlib.html

[3] http://www.infotek.no/~grove/software/xmlarch/index.html

[4] Final CD Text for ISO/IEC 13250, Topic Navigation Maps,

<P><A HREF="http://www.infotek.no/~grove/software/tmproc/index.html">tmproc
0.10</A> - an implementation of the new international standard ISO/IEC
13250 Topic Maps.  (22-Mar-99)

 ==================  Geir Ove Grønmo  ==================
|  STEP Infotek as, Gjerdrumsvei 12, 0486 Oslo, Norway  |
|        grove@infotek.no http://www.infotek.no/        |