[XML-SIG] Functional interface to XML?

Paul Prescod paul@prescod.net
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 11:35:15 -0600

uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com wrote:
> I don't think we've thought of this, and it's actually a good idea.  

I'd better go patent it!

> We
> primarily use it to emit HTML or transformed (non-FO) XML for now, but we
> could provide a SAX interface to make it more useful.

If you are just emitting HTML wouldn't it be easier and more efficient to
use a "reverse SAX" output engine instead of building and walking a DOM. I
believe XSL is designed so that you can output everything as you generate

> Well, I'm still not sure I get your meaning, but the pattern-matching code is
> pretty well de-coupled from the tree-visiting portion.  This is to allow
> easier updates as the XSL WG modifies their spec.  I'm not sure how usable the
> API would be when exposed outside 4XSL, but we can certainly keep such
> potential use in mind.
> Are you thinking of maybe extending the transformation facilities of a
> style-sheet using Python, rather than the erstwhile ECMAScript?

Well that goes without saying. :)

What I am *really* interested in is answer Cee's de Groot's question
(which is also mine) of an API that *Python programmers* can use that acts
like XSL or DSSSL but uses Python syntax. Think of it this way: if XSL
does 90% of what you want then you want to just extend it with Python. If
XSL only does 20% of what you want then you want those XSL features in
Python without the XSL stylesheet syntax.

Imagine something like this:


Of course you should use your own descretion in deciding whether
implementing this idea makes sense, especially since you've already done
so much work.

I move between the DOM, the grove and a few other APIs so I can never keep
them straight in my head. So the method calls and class names below are
mostly fanciful.

Also, I've left out the required __init__ methods to set up object data.
visitor = xsllib.XSLPatternVisitor()

def DoSomethingWithDocTitles( node, engine ):
    engine.ApplyTemplates( node, "TITLE" )
    engine.ApplyTemplates( node, ".//FN" )

visitor.register( DoSomethingWithTitles, "DOC/TITLE")

def DoSomethingWithChapterTitles( node, engine ):
    engine.ValueOf( node )

visitor.register( DoSomethingWithTitles, "CHAPTER/TITLE")

def DoSomethingWithFootnotesInChapters( node, engine ):
    for i in node.Children: # or is "Content" in DOM

visitor.register( DoSomethingWithFootnotesInChapters, "CHAPTER//FN" )

Do you see what I'm getting at? 

Now you could imlement "real" XSL in terms of these primitives.

class ApplyTemplatesNode( ElementNode ):
    def invoke( self ):
        self.engine.ApplyTemplates( self )

class LiteralResultNode( ElementNode ):
    def invoke( self ):
        self.result.ElementEvent( self.TagName )

class LiteralResultTextNode( TextNode ):
    def invoke( self ):
        self.result.TextEvent( self.TextValue )


(somewhere else)

class xsl_templateRuleNode( ElementNode ):
    def __init__( self, visitor, tagName, template, attrs... ):
        self.visitor.register( self.template.invoke, attrs["PATTERN"] )

Hope that helps!

 Paul Prescod  - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for only himself

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